June 30, 2005

"Have you ever been in love?" Watch the video, listen to the songs. Cringe. Giggle. Add some Pizazz to your life. (Potentially NSFW, headphones suggested)

June 22, 2005

Fat Britney Chosen for new Holostamps The Onion in the year 2056.
Warning! No beverages while reading, you'll just short out any electronics within snorting distance.

June 08, 2005

Too gay to drive? Italian cops say no; Italian courts say yes.

May 12, 2005

My new hero. So this high school student was arrested at his own prom for wearing a prom dress, see. And a wig, and a corsage, and his mom's purse, too. He's a straight boy, but when his gay friend was dateless for the prom, he agreed to go. But, he decided it would cause fewer questions if he went in drag. "I looked like Marilyn Monroe," said the member of the track, ski and powerlifting teams. Unfortunately, although the school was fine with two male students going together, they didn't seem to go for the prom dress bit. Now, the poor boy can't compete for the pole vaulting record! gawd, truth is always stranger than fiction

April 29, 2005

School held hostage for 2 hours by 30 inch burrito

April 26, 2005

21 Year Old, Still Fresh, Needs some work (via towleroad.)

April 19, 2005

formerly rosie *the unedited rantings of a fat 43 year old menopausal ex -talk show host * -married mother of four- read at your own risk - my spelling sux (add * ocd * adhd * lmnop * suv * dvd * y not me)
...otherwise known as the blog of celebrity thespian, lesbian, comedienne and talk show host Rosie O'Donnell, and it's surprisingly personal and intimate for an honest-to-gosh real live famous person blog. It's also pretty fascinating.

April 18, 2005

Adobe buys Macromedia "...we anticipate the integration team will identify opportunities for cost savings by the time the acquisition closes." So long, FireWorks. See ya, LiveMotion. Hasta la vista, FreeHand. US$3.4 billion to ensure fewer choices for designers such as I. Anyone wanna wager on the upcoming GoLive/Dreamweaver deathmatch?

April 12, 2005

Just Say No. What's the weirdest thing you've ever tried to make a pipe or bong out of? For me, it was probably the case of a stick of Old Spice and a Bic pen... However, I'm guessing [hoping?] this kid in Vermont has us all beat,

April 11, 2005

Siegfried and Roy- Root of all Evil in the World Today

March 31, 2005

Monkey pay-per-view When given the choice, thirsty monkeys will choose to look at images of the dominant members of their pack rather than taking a drink of their favorite beverage, cherry juice. Apparently this justifies Paris Hilton's celebrity. In other news, male monkeys are willing to pay lots of juice to see female monkey butts.

March 30, 2005

Nate's Plagiarism smackdown "...If a Shudra watches dharma and greg, it will have a positive effect on his karma."

March 28, 2005

projects any monkey can do.

February 27, 2005

Volvos meet the future With interesting models like this new T6 Roadster... more inside

February 24, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson's ashes to be shot out of a cannon If the Thompson job were his, Williams said, he would probably blast the ashes from a 12-inch-diameter mortar 800 feet into the sky. Then a second, window-rattling blast would scatter them amid a blossom of color 600 feet across. "If you were going to light up a flash-bomb worthy of Hunter S. Thompson, you'd want to make it an earth-shaker," Williams said.

February 15, 2005

But, Duuuuude, it's ORGANIC! Mendocino County, CA takes the lead in protecting its citizens.

February 07, 2005

MonkeyNewsNetwork In San Francisco, the local zoo is now featuring a cuckolded gorilla named Oscar, who is still a virgin at 23, apparently because he is too nice. (... or maybe because "He's very interested in human males."

Meanwhile, in India, a "serious monkey menace" is terrorizing the city of Delhi-- not only the residents but the government ministries as well. Unfortunately, the plan to send the rhesus monkeys to the state of Madhya Pradesh has hit a roadblock- the local authorities are refusing to accept them. Lack of money and the fear of chaos have hobbled the plan.

Finally, today is the last day of the Year of the Monkey. Tomorrow begins the year of the Rooster. Apparently, that means no more wild-goose chases.

February 03, 2005

Right Wing Ralphie! Sick of all those mamby-pamby, Homosexual Agenda-pushing, Traditional Family-destroying, depraved cartoon characters like SpongeBob (gay ambassador) SquarePants and Buster (the lesbian-loving) Rabbit? Then Right Wing Ralphie is for you!

January 25, 2005

Words fail me. SaveMartha.com has purchased the rights to tattoo the phrase “Save Martha! Sign the petition to pardon Martha Stewart! SaveMartha.com” on the right arm of Long Island, NY pool-cleaner Joe Tamargo. Discuss.

January 23, 2005

Good Bye Johnny Late night fixture Johnny Carson has died at the age of 79 at his home in California. I remember as a child, the thrill of being allowed to stay up late to watch Johnny, and I will always remember his final show with Bette Midler... I'm sure all of us USAians and others who got the feed of the Tonight Show internationally will feel his loss as much as I do. Few people on television have become a part of people's lives the way he did.
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